How does the title “Maladies of the Mind” relate to the book?
Who was your favourite character and who was your least favourite. Why?
Who would you prefer as a best friend, Zoé or Estelle? Why?
Were you immediately drawn into the story? Which of these most describe how you felt reading it – amused, sad, disturbed, enlightened, intrigued, frightened...
Are the plot and subplots believable and interesting? Do the different themes blend naturally with the storyline?
Unless you can read by touch, what will you really know? Not much. This was a pivotal line from the very beginning of the story. Its meaning became clear in Chapter 6. Did you figure it out before?
What is the main strength or most noticeable weakness of the book?
Did you learn things you didn’t know before? What passages strike you as insightful and profound?
One episode in particular obliged Estelle to seek help for Zoé. Which incident was that?
The author has worked with street people. What do you think she wanted you to get from the story she wrote?
What was the twist towards the end, and did you see it coming? Did it make you more forgiving of Zoé’s bad choices? Which particular one had the worst moral implication?
The author struggled on how to end the story. What did you think of the very ending where Zoé reflects under a tree in a snowstorm? Were you happy with her choice?
Authors appreciate feedback. That is how they grow as writers. What would you tell this author in particular. What are your praises and/or criticisms.